My Story
My name is Malgorzata, but everyone calls me Maggie. The shop of Cammafi is my passion.
And how did my tea adventure begin?
I owe everything to my beloved grandmother- Irena. Since I can remember she used to take me to the garden, where we have been collecting fruit that we later processed into preserves. Raspberry and black currant’s syrups are those I remember best. We used to add them to our tea on the winter’s evenings while spending time together, reading our favourite books.
Later on, we started to try new combinations. Different fruit, natural aromas such as vanilla, cinnamon and orange’s peel helped us to create new and delicious flavours.
And so after many years I returned to what my grandmother taught me,
that is, for the preparation of delicious blends of teas with various
Now that we're all busy, let's indulge in a little relaxation with
a wonderful healthy infusion. Let's sit by the fireplace or in the garden and
let's enjoy the fantastic taste of my teas.
I highly recommend,
Maggie, Cammafi